Saturday, March 9, 2013

Basic ASA Usename and Password Configuration Example

Creating username and password  and use this local username to authenticate for SSH Connections

ciscoasa(config)# username user1 password user1

ciscoasa(config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 1024

ciscoasa(config)#aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

ciscoasa (config)#ssh inside

Enabling  telnet on ASA for telnet connection

ciscoasa(config)#telnet inside

ciscoasa(config)#passwd test

ciscoasa(config)#enable password test1

Enable remote management with the following command

ciscoasa(config)#management-access inside

Enable the HTTP server for ASDM connection

ciscoasa (config)# http server enable
ciscoasa (config)# http inside

Configuring clock settings:

ciscoasa(config)# clock set 12:00:00 jan 10 2013

Configuring Network time protocol

ciscoasa(config)#ntp server  source inside

configure Authentication using the Local username databse:

ciscoasa(config) username user2 password user2

ciscoasa(config) aaa authentication serial console LOCAL

ciscoasa(config) aaa authentication telnet console LOCAL

ciscoasa(config) aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL

ciscoasa(config) aaa authentication enablel console LOCAL

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